These quick walk-throughs will help you set up and take your 17hats account to the next level.
Learn how to bulk add Tags to Projects and Contacts inside 17hats for easier Project and Contact management. It's a great way to clean up your tagging system.
Learn how to add 'Other' Contacts in 17hats! Perfect for vendors, family, or non-clients, these contacts appear in grey for easy organization.
17hats recommends having at least four calendars: One for leads, one for booked clients, one for to-dos, and one for your personal life.
Clean up your 17hats Account by taking a few minutes and learn how to bulk Archive completed projects or leads that never converted.
With our Tag Management feature in your Account Settings, you can easily manage your Contact and Project Tags. Create, combine, and delete tags easily.
Get in touch with us with your dream integration, and our team will make it's best to make it real.