These quick walk-throughs will help you set up and take your 17hats account to the next level.
Amanda Rae walks you through how to adjust your Online Scheduling Service settings for Groups Online Scheduling. One step and you are done.
Ditch the back and forth schedule emails, and make hosting meetings with your clients easier by learning how to use 17hats Online Scheduling.
Set up your life calendar on 17hats so that you can cross-check it in Online Scheduling. This ensures your clients do not book over important life events.
Give yourself some space with 17hats Online Scheduling time buffers! Take 10 minutes before each meeting to prepare and 15 minutes after each meeting to reflect.
Set expectations for your clients using Online Scheduling Terms of Service. Easily lay out expectation and ensure they agree before the are able to book with you.
Learn how to use 17hats Online Scheduling Confirmation Messages in under three minutes. These are the perfect places to communicate information.
Get in touch with us with your dream integration, and our team will make it's best to make it real.